Huntington Gardens Field Trip, November 10 2008

Sixteen LPA members met at the entrance to the Huntington Gardens in San Marino, before the noontime opening, and got the group discount for entry ($4 off per person).

The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens are located on 207 acres in San Marino.



This year the Huntington opened the Chinese Garden which features a 1.5-acre lake, a complex of pavilions, a tea house and tea shop, and five stone bridges, set against a wooded backdrop of mature oaks and pines.

Other gardens on the site include, a Japanese Garden, Desert Garden, Herb Garden, Camellia Garden, Rose Garden, Jungle Garden, Sub-Tropical Garden and a conservatory.

Wondering… what could be blooming at the garden in November, we were pleasantly surprised. All colors of the rainbow could be found, and the Rose Garden, while beyond its peak, was still wonderful.

Several of the group headed for the Chinese Garden to get some shots before the crowds arrived. The pagodas provided wonderful carvings and shapes with which to frame shots.

A slightly overcast day made for a perfect photo opportunity… everything from landscape photography to macro photography. Numerous visits could be made to the Huntington, and you’d never have to photograph the same thing twice.

Thank you David Wilkins for setting us up with another FUN field trip!!!


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The Lancaster Photography Association