MACRO/CLOSE UP - Photographs of small subjects or close up views of sections of large subjects. Think of this Class as “close up” to the subject. A photo of a faraway galaxy appears closer using a telescope, but it’s not a close-up image. A close-up on a face is good, but maybe better is a close up of an eye. This class is expecting some level of magnification.
In addition to the requirements for Photojournalism General (see below):
Human Interest is defined as an image depicting a person or persons in an interactive, emotional or unusual situation, excluding recreational or organized sports action. Guidelines for Human Interest Images. [SEE: Alterations], [SEE: Note], [SEE: Borders]
Photos with airplanes and other forms of aircraft as the predominate theme. Editing is unrestricted.
Motion being portrayed as the dominant theme, includes sports.
A Photo Travel image expresses the characteristic features or culture of a land as they are found naturally. There are no geographic limitations. Images from events or activities arranged specifically for photography, or of subjects directed or hired for photography are not appropriate. Close up pictures of people or objects must include features that provide information about the environment.
For PSA Journal article clarifying this definition, (SEE: Note Clarification Photo Travel Definition), however, S4C uses a uniform definition regarding alterations for all 3 reality-based divisions (see Alterations below).
Note 1: An image taken just while traveling may or may not fit this definition. The primary elements of the image must be characteristic with respect to features or culture.
Note 2: Entrants are cautioned that the sentence on arranged events or activities includes any images that appear to be arranged to the judges even though the judges will give the benefit of the doubt to the maker. Entrants are therefore advised that such images may well be disqualified (DQed). [SEE: Alterations], [SEE: Note], [SEE: Borders]
This competition will not be judged, instead our membership will vote on their favorites. It is not necessary to resubmit your qualifying digital entries but Accomplished prints must be brought to the competition. If you are not going to be able to make it please contact your competition chair to get your prints delivered to the competition.
SEE Alterations: As with all reality-based divisions, (Nature, Photo Travel, and Photojournalism), techniques that add, relocate, replace or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted. The only allowable modifications are removal of dust, scratches or digital noise, restoration of the existing appearance of the original scene, sharpening that is not obvious, and complete conversion to grayscale monochrome. Other derivations, including infrared, are not eligible. All allowed adjustments must appear natural.
SEE Note: “Restoration of the appearance of the original scene” may include techniques such as HDR, focus stacking and dodging/burning provided they do not alter the contents of the original scene and the result looks natural.
SEE Border: Borders are optional, but must be 3 or 4 pixels in width and must be white or a shade of gray.
By virtue of submitting your entries with the Lancaster Photography Association (LPA), the member/entrant certifies that the work is his/her own and permits LPA to reproduce all or part of the entered images free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the LPA, S4C and PSA Competitions the LPA Newsletter and LPA website. This will include for example: presentation in the end of year Competition should any of the images be selected for this Competition submission to the PSA Council Challenge should an image be selected for this purpose; and low resolution posting on an S4C website. The entrant further understands that LPA nor S4C assumes liability for any misuse of copyright. The entrant further represents that to the best of his/her understanding the entry complies with all LPA/S4C requirements for entry (Return to Entry to see summaries of these Requirements).
For S4C and PSA Interclub entries, the submitter is affirming that she/he has permission of the creator of each image used in the submission to use the creator’s image and that the creator agrees with the above.
[Rev 06/21/2024]