Congratulations go to the S4C winners. The first S4C competition was held October 8, 2011 in Riverside California.
In the S4C Skill Level A congratulations go to the following: 20 Mule Team Silhouette (Scott Shackelford) HM, Old House (Konrad Hunter) HM. Waffles for Breakfast 1202 (Lee Garner) Award.
For Skill Level AA congratulations go to: 1941 Chevy Front Grill (Pat Ware) Award and Rusting Shipwreck (Dale Ware) Award.
Other members garnering Awards and Honorable Mentions at the S4C competiton were the following: Christine Wilkins, Wendy Ware, Arliss Dawson, Nola Zhang, Nan Carder, Helen Henry, Diana Edgel and Bonnie Matthews. If any member would like more information on competing in S4C, please call or email Nan Carder.
Also in October, Lee Garner assisted Stuart Lynn with the Digital Competition, and Arliss Dawson had his first experience as an S4C judge.