Congratulations Dee Hunter

Club News

The results of the first Electronic Imaging Division's interclub competition are in. Dee Hunter received an Honorable Mention for her image Riggs.

LPA is now in group one, and ended up with a respectable 60 points in this competition.


LPA Starts Off Year Well in PSA Nature Interclub

Club News

The Lancaster Photography Association started off the year very well after the first round of the PSA Nature competition.

LPA ended up with 64 points which was good enough for third place out of 39 clubs in Group B. Individual congratulations go to Diana Edgel for an Award with Moonbow (highest scoring image)  and David Wilkins who earned an Honorable Mention with his image Baby Arctic Fur Seal. Other participants in this first round were Don Bennett, Chris Wilkins, Helen Henry and Sue Liberto.

You can download the the results and the scores.

LPA has S4C Interclub Winners in November

Club News

Congratulations go to Carol Moss with her image Celebrating Onions in the November S4C Skill Level A competition. She received an Honorable Mention. Also, congratulations to Don Bennett who received an HM for his image Owlets in Tree in Skill Level AA. The next S4C competition will be in December. This will be the first time that S4C will be trying remote judging. Joanne Stolte, EPSA, MPSA, has found three judges in Southern California to handle the judging. There will be no meeting that month. If there are any questions, you can email Nan Carder

LPA Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Status

Club News

The Lancaster Photography Association (LPA) is now officially a 501(c)3 organization.  Our application was approved on October 31, 2011 by the IRS and is effective as of our  Incorporation date of June 2009.

Many non profit organizations strive to attain this tax exempt status with the IRS, and it helps when seeking donations or applying for grants from corporations.  Contributions to the LPA are deductible, and we are qualified to receive tax deductible gifts.

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LPA Receives Recognition from US Air Force

Club News

A Certificate of Appreciation from the United States Air Force was presented to the Lancaster Photography Association by LPA Member, and Edwards Air Force Base Teen Center Coordinator, Paul Labella.

“On behalf of the 95th Force Support Squadron and Edwards Air Force Base Community we wish to thank the Lancaster Photography Association for providing a Youth Photography Camp during the week of August 15-19, 2011.  The photography camp provided 20 youth of Edwards AFB a wealth of knowledge and expertise in a various aspects of photograph.  This would not have been possible without the dedication of Sue Craft, Nan Carder and especially Faith W.  These individuals delivered excellent instruction and developed a great rapport with our young photographers.  Other noteworthy people who assisted in this project were Tylene Trout, Anita Kratofil, and Brent Paull.  The Edwards AFB Military Community is exceedingly grateful to the LPA for conducting this camp and enriching the lives of Edwards AFB younger citizens”.

Signed by Director, 95th Force Support Squadron, John “Carlos” Bassut.

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S4C Interclub Wins for LPA

Club News

Congratulations go to the S4C winners. The first S4C competition was held October 8, 2011 in Riverside California.

In the S4C Skill Level A congratulations go to the following: 20 Mule Team Silhouette (Scott Shackelford) HM, Old House (Konrad Hunter) HM. Waffles for Breakfast 1202 (Lee Garner) Award.

For Skill Level AA congratulations go to: 1941 Chevy Front Grill (Pat Ware) Award and Rusting Shipwreck (Dale Ware) Award.

Other members garnering Awards and Honorable Mentions at the S4C competiton were the following: Christine Wilkins, Wendy Ware, Arliss Dawson, Nola Zhang, Nan Carder, Helen Henry, Diana Edgel and Bonnie Matthews. If any member would like more information on competing in S4C, please call or email Nan Carder.

Also in October, Lee Garner assisted Stuart Lynn with the Digital Competition, and Arliss Dawson had his first experience as an S4C judge.

LPA Awarded Club Service Award

Club News
The LPA was awarded a Club Service Award in recognition of it's photographic service benefiting the Antelope Valley Fair, Prime Desert Woodland Preserve, the Edwards Air Force Base Photography Camp as well as other philanthropic projects the LPA has completed in the past.

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Next Competition

Date: 21-Sep
Venue: AV Fair
Theme: Hay It's a Moosical Fair
Submission Deadline:
15-Sep 11:59PM

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