As a member of LPA you are also a member of S4C (Southern California Council of Camera Clubs).

You MUST have a UEN to enter. If you do not have one, please go to the S4C website and request yours today! If anyone has any questions, please email Nan Carder at

There is no charge for your entries!

Competition Homepage (Handbook, Schedule, Results, etc.) Upload InterClub Entries for S4C
Procedure for Obtaining S4C Honors LPA Member Honors
2012-2013 S4C Awards Presentation How to Participate in the S4C (Oct. 2013 LPA Workshop)
S4C Competition Standings and Catalogs 2005-2013  


Definition Changes for S4C Competitions

S4C News


Old Definition: The original image must be made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. All images must be original and may not incorporate elements produced by anyone else.

New definition: The original image must be made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. With the exception noted below, all images must be original and may not incorporate elements produced by anyone else.

Exception: commercially produced textures that do not display reality-based elements (either originally or through modification) are permitted in Pictorial Division sections.

Add explicitly to Pictorial Interclub, Individual, and Arranged that Creative images are allowed.



Old Definition:  Pictorial Creative is defined as altered reality that is apparent to the viewer. Pictorial Creative images are judged both for their technical and pictorial merit. The image should have strong composition, pleasing quality, and color, texture, pattern, and/or tone impact. The appropriateness of the technique selected to create altered reality is considered in judging. The content is unrestricted.

New Definition: Pictorial Creative is defined as altered reality that is apparent to the viewer. Pictorial Creative images are judged for their creative, technical, and pictorial merit.

Good creative images surprise the viewer with their originality of expression, their uniqueness, and their imaginative content.

As Pictorial images, they should have strong composition, pleasing quality, and color, texture, pattern, and/or tone impact. The appropriateness of the techniques selected to create altered reality is considered in judging. The content is unrestricted.



Old Definition:  A Color Image is eligible for the Pictorial Arranged Color section if the elements of the image are to a considerable extent controlled by the maker or another person(s) present for the purpose, whether or not the image is acquired indoors – such as in a formal studio setting – or outdoors in a natural or artificial environment. Such elements include but are not limited to: the lighting*, including the use of reflectors and diffusers; the arrangement of people, animals, or objects; props; backgrounds; makeup; or apparel. For example, posed portraits and arranged still lifes – whether taken indoors or outdoors – fall within this definition. The content is otherwise unrestricted. * The use of fill-flash alone is not considered arranged lighting.

New Definition:   A Color Image is eligible for the Pictorial Arranged Color section if multiple elements of the captured image are to a considerable extent controlled by the maker or another person(s) present for the purpose.

This applies whether or not the image is acquired indoors – such as in a formal studio setting – or outdoors in a natural or artificial environment. The arranged elements include but are not limited to: the lighting*; the arrangement of people, animals, or objects; props; backgrounds; makeup; or apparel. They do not include any elements introduced in the post-processing of the captured image.

The use of fill-flash alone is not considered arranged lighting. For example, posed portraits and arranged still lifes – whether taken indoors or outdoors – fall within this definition; however, flora shot in natural settings with just the use of diffusers or reflectors are not considered to be arranged images. The content is otherwise unrestricted.



Old Definition:   Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves.

Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement.

New Definition: Human elements shall not be present, except ……where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves and those forces are acting directly on the human element and have clearly affected that element.

Photographs of human created hybrid plants (1), domestic animals (2), feral animals (2), or mounted specimens are ineligible.

Photographs of all flowers and plant blossoms, hybrid or not, in any stage of development are ineligible – unless they are acting as an adopted habitat for eligible living organisms that are the main focus of the image

Any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement is not allowed.


  1. Fungi, such as mushrooms, are not plants or animals and are therefore allowed.
  2. See link below for list of domestic animals (only the first list is applicable). Feral animals are domestic animals gone into the wild or animals in the wild descended from domestic animals.
  3. Such as a bee in the wild pollinating in a flower, its adopted habitat for the purpose.






S4C News


By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C


On June 24, 2017, Nan Carder (S4C Nature Chairman), Terri Garner (S4C Treasurer), Chris Wilkins (Board of Directors), and David Wilkins (S4C President), traveled to Redlands California for the Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) board of director’s meeting.

Terri has done a wonderful job changing the book keeping system to QuickBooks.

The S4c Level Assignments for next year were determined.

There were changes in some of the Division Sections definitions. Those changes can be found by reading the definitions in the Divisions at this webpage:

Stuart Lynn has developed software to help individuals avoid duplicate image re-entries.

S4C will be changing image sizes to 1400x1280 in the 2018-2019 competition year.

The Delegates Program will continue. A responsibility list will be developed.

Stuart Lynn is developing an online system for S4C Honors. The system will be designed so that Awards and HMs will be automatically added to the on-line system.

S4C has entered the Photographic Society of America’s Council Challenge. The results will be presented at the 2017 PSA Conference in Pittsburg, PA. S4C Award images and makers from this year’s Council Challenge will be presented at the 2017-2018 Annual S4C Awards Banquet in June 2018.

Joanne Stolte trained six (6) new judges from S4C clubs this past year. 

The next S4C meeting will be November 11, 2017, along with the presentation of the winning images from the November S4C competition.

S4C Report for June 2017

S4C News


Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C


S4C members recently attended the S4C Year End Banquet at Almansor Court in Alhambra. Many of the S4C members received awards. Attending the banquet were the following:

Shirl Airov-Bieling, Rebecca Bieling, Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C, Terry Dickerson, Terri Garner, Fran Marroquin, Bill Sutton, AS4C, Leslie Sutton, Tom Van Langenhoven, Chris Wilkins, AS4C, and David Wilkins, FS4C .


S4C President, David Wilkins, FS4C, welcomed the attendees, and Joanne Stolte, FPSA, MPSA, HonS4C gave the Inspiration.


David Wilkins, FS4C, installed the 2017-2018 officers, which included, LPA members Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C, Terri Garner, Chris Wilkins, AS4C, and David Wilkins, FS4C.


Diane Racey, FPSA, GMPSA, HonS4C, presented the S4C Honors. Congratulations go to Douglas Wade, AS4C, who received his AS4C. Doug was unable to attend the banquet due to his recent move to Portland, OR.


S4C Interclub:


The Lancaster Photography Association received the Gold Medal in Skill Level A with seven (7) clubs competing. Thank you Diane Cable, Terry Dickerson, Eugene Duley, Kurtiss Humphreys, Fran Marroquin, Wayne Staley, Dale Taft, Tom Van Langenhoven, Pam Vick, Douglas Wade, Kathleen Walter, Shane Walter, and Richard White for sharing your images this year.


Best of Show:           Dale Taft                    ‘Light Up the Sky’     

Gold Medal     Fran Marroquin      ‘Hawaiian Beauty’                 Skill Level A

Silver Medal   Terry Dickerson     ‘Poppies Highlighted’           Skill Level A

HM                              Terry Dickerson     ‘Miners Cabin’                       Skill Level A


The Lancaster Photography Association received the Silver Medal in Skill Level AA with five (5) clubs competing.  Thank you Shirl Airov-Bieling, Nan Carder, Darren Cole, Sue Craft, Helen Henry, Sue Liberto, Kathy Newman, Bill Sutton, Pat Ware, Chris Wilkins, David Wilkins.


Bronze Medal Kathy Newman         ‘Branching Out’                     Skill Level AA

Honor Award Nan Carder               ‘Egret Landing 1503’                       Skill Level AA

Honor Award             Nan Carder               ‘Bodie Milky Way 7650’       Skill Level AA

Honor Award Darren Cole              ‘Mauna Kea Peak Milky Way           Skill Level AA

Honor Award Helen Henry             ‘Milky Way with Windmill’   Skill Level AA

Honor Award Kathy Newman         ‘Blue Muse’                            Skill Level AA


S4C Highpoint Winners:

Pictorial Individual Color:

Bronze Medal Christine Wilkins               Skill Level A


Pictorial Creative:

Gold Medal                 Terry Dickerson                 Skill Level E



Bronze Medal Tom Van Langenhoven      Skill Level E

Bronze Medal Christine Wilkins               Skill Level AA


Photo Travel:          

Silver Medal (tie)      Scott Shackelford                Skill Level A

Silver Medal (tie)      David Wilkins                      Skill Level A


Photojournalism General:

Silver Medal   Tom Van Langenhoven      Skill Level E

Silver Medal   Shirl Airov-Bieling             Skill Level A


End of Year Judging End of Year Honor Awards and Medal Winners


Individual Color:


Award:                       Name                                      Image                                     Skill Level

Gold Medal                 Nan Carder                           ‘Flamingo’                              Skill Level AA

Silver Medal   Shirl Airov-Bieling             ‘Gal Shooter’                          Skill Level A

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Window to the Past’            Skill Level E

Honor Award Shirl-Airov Bieling             ‘Cowboy Shooter’                  Skill Level A               

Honor Award Davis Wilkins                      “Burrowing Owl & Moth’      Skill Level AA


Pictorial Arranged Color:

Silver Medal   Sharna Lee                            ‘Adding Lipstick’                    Skill Level E

Honor Award Douglas Wade                      ‘Metro and Dancer’               Skill Level E

Honor Award Douglas Wade                      ‘Tracy and Her Truck’          Skill Level E


Pictorial Creative:

Gold Medal                 Shirl-Airov Bieling             ‘Confused’                              Skill Level A

Gold Medal                 Terry Dickerson                 ‘Harrier Study’                      Skill Level E

Bronze Medal Terry Dickerson                 ‘Midnight Drive’                    Skill Level E

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Pumpkin Truck’                   Skill Level E

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Thunder Nash’                     Skill Level E

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Sea Moon’                             Skill Level E

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Step into Space’                    Skill Level E

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Lunar Tree’                           Skill Level E

Honor Award Terry Dickerson                 ‘Pushing the Envelope         Skill Level E

Honor Award Shirl Airov-Bieling             ‘Rose Fragrance’                    Skill Level A

Honor Award Shirl Airov-Bieling             ‘Blown Away’                         Skill Level A

Honor Award Shirl Airov-Bieling ‘Hoping for Love’                   Skill Level A

Honor Award Nan Carder               ‘Egret and Foxtail’                 Skill Level AA


Pictorial Monochrome:

Gold Medal                 Nan Carder               ‘Turkey Vulture 1591          Skill Level AA

Honor Award Douglas Wade          ‘Silos in Lancaster’                Skill Level E

Honor Award             Scott Shackelford    ‘Inside Covered Bridge-114M’ Skill Level A

Honor Award David Wilkins          ‘Thunderbirds Pass 4679BW’   Skill Level A


Pictorial Arranged Monochrome:

Honor Award Douglas Wade          ‘Models and Planes’              Skill Level E


Nature General:
Silver Award  Nan Carder               ‘Sphinx Moth 4606;              Skill Level AA

Honor Award Nan Carder               ‘Tern 0170’                           Skill Level AA

Honor Award Nan Carder               ‘Green Darner Dragonflies 0893’ Skill Level AA


Nature Wildlife:

Bronze Award            Nan Carder               ‘Great Blue Heron’                Skill Level AA

Honor Award Terry Dickerson     ‘Larry, Moe, and Curly’         Skill Level E

Honor Award Nan Carder               ‘Mallards 3808’                     Skill Level AA


Photo Travel General:

Silver Medal   David Wilkins          ‘Naples Pier Storm’               Skill Level A



Photojournalism General:

Silver Medal   Sharna Lee                ‘Driven’                                  Skill Level A

Honor Award Tom Van Langenhoven ‘A Little Commotion’       Skill Level E

Honor Award Christine Wilkins   ‘California Beach Volleyball July’ Skill Level E

Honor Award Shirl Airov-Bieling ‘Pearl Harbor Reenactment’            Skill Level A

Honor Award Sharna Lee                ‘Hawk’                                    Skill Level A

Honor Award Sharna Lee                ‘Making the Turn’                 Skill Level A

Honor Award Scott Shackelford    ‘Tourist Village Entertainers’  Skill Level A

Honor Award Bill Sutton                 ‘Color Run Fun’                     Skill Level A

Honor Award David Wilkins          ‘Dig by Brooke Sweat’           Skill Level AA

Honor Award David Wilkins          ‘Through the Smoke’                        Skill Level AA


Photojournalism Human Interest:

Honor Award Douglas Wade          ‘Discharged’                           Skill Level E

Honor Award David Wilkins          ‘Caught in the Spray’                        Skill Level A

Honor Award Scott Shackelford    ‘Cousins Electric Train Excitement’ Skill Level AA


For more information, please go to this web page:


Anyone participating will need a UEN:


If anyone needs assistance in entering S4C competitions, please email Nan Carder at




S4C Report for May 2017

S4C News

Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C

The competition season is over for S4C.

Entries for the Lancaster Photography Association (LPA) interclub for April were the following (includes awards and HMs):

Skill Level A: Poppies Highlighted (Terry Dickerson) Award, A Color Purple (Pam Vick), Yosemite (Kathleen Walter), and Winter View (Shane Walter) HM.

Skill Level AA:  Hummingbird Flight (Kathy Newman), Bodie Milky Way 7650 (Nan Carder) Award, Flamingo Pose 1 (Darren Cole), and Horses in Aspen (Helen Henry).

Other LPA members that won Awards or Honorable Mentions in other classes were the following:  Shirl Airov-Bieling, Terry Dickerson, Scott Shackelford, Tom Van Langenhoven, Sharna Lee, Bill Sutton, Richard White, Chris Wilkins, and David Wilkins.

The April meeting for S4C was held on April 8th at the University of Redlands. Bill Sutton is the S4C delegate from the Lancaster Photography Association, and he represented LPA.

S4C Board of Directors: LPA members that will be serving on the S4C Board of Directors for 2017-2018 are the following: Nan Carder, Terrie Garner, Christine Wilkins, and David Wilkins. David Wilkins is the current S4C President.

The S4C Year End Banquet will be held at Almansor Court on June 3rd from 11AM to 3PM. If any LPA member has won an Award or HM this year, the image will be considered for a year-end award. For more information about the banquet, please go to this webpage:

For more information, please go to this web page:

Anyone participating will need a UEN:

If anyone needs assistance in entering S4C competitions, please email Nan Carder at



April 8, 2016

On Saturday, April 8, 2016 I attended the S4C Delegates Meeting at the University of Redlands in Redlands, California as the representative for the Lancaster Photography Association (LPA).

The following items were discussed at the meeting:

  • The board of directors for S4C has voted to adopt new bylaws for the governing of S4C.  The changes to the bylaws included the change to a “Self-Sustaining Board of Directors” and the elimination of the “Voting Powers of Delegates” from each club which will influence the governing of S4C.  These changes were voted on and approved by the delegates at this meeting.  Individual clubs will still have delegates to S4C but the delegates will only be there for the purpose of reporting on their club’s activities and to gather information regarding S4C so that they can convey that information back to their individual clubs.  The transition to a “Self-Sustaining Board of Directors” means that the Board of Directors will directly recruit members to fill any vacancies on the board based upon skills and talent needed within the board.  Member clubs will not be allowed to vote on the acceptance of any new Board Member.
  • In the near future, the S4C International International Exhibition will open for entries.  The exact opening and closing dates have not yet been posted on S4C’s website but anyone interested in entering this competition can check S4C’s website between May and July 2017 for the exact competition dates and entry requirements.  The website can be found at
  • As a member of LPA, all members are automatically eligible to participate in S4C’s monthly competitions which run from October until April of the following year.  There are no fees to for entering the competitions.  However, each member must obtain a Uniform Entry Number (UEN), which can be obtained on S4C’s website at  (NOTE: When obtaining a new UEN only hit the “SUBMIT” button once or you may end up joining multiple times.  All of the requirements for submitting images and category definitions may be found on S4C’s website.  Again, if you need any assistance with joining S4C or submitting any images see either Bill Sutton or Nan Carder.
  • Lancaster Photography Association members that will be on the S4C Board of Directors for 2017-2018 are the following: Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C, Bill Sutton, FS4C, Christine Wilkins, AS4C, and David Wilkins, FS4C.
  • S4c’s next meeting will held November 11, 2017 at the University of Redlands (see S4C’s website for the driving directions and meeting time).

Bill Sutton, AS4C

LPA S4C Delegate

S4C Report for April 2017

S4C News

Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C


There is one more competition left to enter S4C competitions (April 1, 2017).


Entries for the Lancaster Photography Association (LPA) interclub for March were the following (includes awards and HMs):


Skill Level A: Carma 2 (Kurtiss Humphrey) Award or HM, Hawaiian Beauty, (Fran Marroquin) Award, Hook and Ladder (Terry Dickerson) HM, and White Flower 6839 (Pam Vick)


Skill Level AA:  Friesians (Kathy Newman), Egret Landing 1503 (Nan Carder) Award, Mauna Kea Peak Milky Way (Darren Cole) HM, and Horses in Aspen (Helen Henry).

Other LPA members that won Awards or Honorable Mentions in other classes were the following:  Shirl Airov-Bieling, Terry Dickerson, Scott Shackelford, Tom Van Langenhoven, Douglas Wade, Chris Wilkins, and David Wilkins.

Entry information is below:
Month                                     Entries Open            Entries Close                       

April                                        March 18                   April 1

The April meeting for S4C will be on April 8th at the University of Redlands. All judging will be done at the meeting. Bill Sutton is the S4C delegate from the Lancaster Photography Association, and he will represent LPA.

For more information, please go to this web page:

Anyone participating will need a UEN:

If anyone needs assistance in entering S4C competitions, please email Nan Carder at




S4C Report for March 2017

S4C News

Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C


There are two more competitions left to enter S4C competitions (March and April).

In January, Darren Cole’s image Hair Day received an Award in Skill Level AA.

Entries for the Lancaster Photography association interclub for February were the following:

Skill Level A: “Beach Landing” (Shane Walter), “Blue Angels Echelon” (Diane Cable), Crane 7124 (Kathleen Walter), and “Off the Power Grid” (Terry Dickerson).

Skill Level AA: “Blue Muse” (Kathy Newman), “Near the Wave” (Christine Wilkins), “Seattle Skyline at Sunset” (David Wilkins), and “The Rose” (Nan Carder)

Diane Cable won an award for “Blue Angels Echelon” and Terry Dickerson won an Honorable Mention with “Off the Power Grid” in Skill Level A. In Skill Level AA, Kathy Newman won an award with “Blue Muse.”

Entries for the Lancaster Photography Association for March are the following:

Skill Level A: Carma 2 (Kurtiss Humphrey), Hawaiian Beauty, (Fran Marroquin), Hook and Ladder (Terry Dickerson), and White Flower 6839 (Pam Vick)

Skill Level AA:  Friesians (Kathy Newman), Egret Landing 1503 (Nan Carder), Mauna Kea Peak Milky Way (Darren Cole), and Horses in Aspen (Helen Henry)

Entry information is below:

Month                                     Entries Open            Entries Close                       

March                                     February 18              March 4

April                                        March 18                   April 1

The April live meeting for S4C will be on April 8th at the University of Redlands.

For more information, please go to this web page:

Anyone participating will need a UEN:

If anyone needs assistance in entering S4C competitions, please email Nan Carder at




S4C Report for February 2017

S4C News

Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C

There are two more competitions left to enter S4C competitions (March and April).

Congratulations go to Kathleen WalterFaxi Falls” and Douglas WadeSleeping Beauty” for receiving Honorable Mentions in Skill Level A Pictorial Color, and Darren Cole for winning an Award with “Hair Day” in Skill Level A, Pictorial Interclub Color for the January competition.

In January, Lancaster Photography Association’s Christine Wilkins was one of the three judges.

Also winning Awards and/or HMs were the following: Shirl Airov-Bieling, Nan Carder, Terry Dickerson, Sharna Lee, Scott Shackelford, Bill Sutton, Tom Van Langenhoven, and Richard White.

Entries for the Lancaster Photography association interclub for February were the following:

Skill Level A: “Beach Landing” (Shane Walter), “Blue Angels Echelon” (Diane Cable), Crane 7124 (Kathleen Walter), and “Off the Power Grid” (Terry Dickerson).

Skill Level AA: “Blue Muse” (Kathy Newman), “Near the Wave” (Christine Wilkins), “Seattle Skyline at Sunset” (David Wilkins), and “The Rose” (Nan Carder)

Entry information is below:

Month                                     Entries Open            Entries Close                       

March                                     February 18              March 4

April                                        March 18                   April 1

The April live meeting for S4C will be on April 8th at the University of Redlands.

For more information, please go to this web page:

Anyone participating will need a UEN:

If anyone needs assistance in entering S4C competitions, please email Nan Carder at

S4C Report for January 2017

S4C News

 Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C

There are three months left to enter S4C (February, March, and April). Members who have not previously entered any of the S4C competitions can submit up to four images.. Our Lancaster Photography Association members are doing very well in competition.

LPA Inter-club winning entries for the December competitions were the following:

S4C Pictorial Interclub Level A Entries December Results: Awards were won by Wayne Staley (Pink Iris) and Douglas Wade (Steam Punk 3235)

S4C Pictorial Interclub Level AA Entries December Results:  An Award was won by Christine Wilkins (Illulissat in the Midnight Sun)

Other LPA Members entering the December S4C competition and receiving Awards or Honorable Mentions were the following: Shirl Airov-Bieling, Sharna Lee, Scott Shackelford, Tom Van Langenhoven, Chris Wilkins, and David Wilkins.

All images receiving an Award or Honorable Mention are eligible for the S4C Year-End Awards and Best of Show.

Entry information is below:

Month                                     Entries Open            Entries Close                       

February                                January 21, 2016      February 4

March                                     February 18              March 4

April                                        March 18                   April 1

The April live meeting for S4C will be on April 8th at the University of Redlands.

For more information, please go to this web page:

Anyone participating will need a UEN:

If anyone needs assistance in entering S4C competitions, please email Nan Carder at

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