April 2008 Workshop: Photoshop & Camera Raw


Presented by Bill Kuhlemeier

Even though most of us have been shooting digital for quite a while now, many of us have been reluctant to take that extra leap into shooting RAW images.

Now that camera memory has gotten cheaper and in larger capacity cards, and also RAW processing software has gotten more user friendly, our attitudes have changed.

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Flower Photography Workshop, March 25, 2008


Sue and Tylene went all out in putting this together, and we had over fifty members in attendance.

The evening began with a presentation on the different techniques that can be used to obtain various effects. They had examples of flowers photographed with different types of lenses, from Ultra-wide to Normal to Macro, and from different angles and lighting conditions.

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Lens Workshop by John Shedrick


February 26, 2008

Over 32 members attended John Shedrick’s lens workshop this month. John discussed the different type of lenses that can be used for portraits, landscapes, macro, action, wildlife, etc. and explained how APS digital cameras “crop” the image because of their smaller sensors.

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November 2007 Workshop: Portrait Shoot


As some of you may know, the LPA has an ongoing portrait workshop in addition to the regular LPA workshop normally held at the Lancaster Senior Center. This has been mostly a workshop supervised and coordinated by Jeff Bauer at his home studio location, depending on his availability.

The LPA would like to thank Jeff for the use of his equipment and knowledge and expertise of portrait photography and studio lighting. This workshop has been going on for more that a year with many LPA member coming and going. Jeff has always hung in there and continued the workshop.

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Sue Craft's and Lyle Trusty's Action Photography Workshop


September 25th, 2007

A big thank you goes out to Sue and Lyle for their outstanding workshop on action/motion photography.  Their presentation and outline were very informative and easy to follow.

Action or motion photography can be quite tricky.  By breaking it down step by step, they took a lot of the guesswork out of this type of photography.

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