Discussion Group Notes May 9, 2008

Discussion Group

Tonight was Lady's Night Out with six ladies and two gentlemen at the table and two other gentlemen observing. Plus this was the first time for most of those in attendance. Again we ran overtime but it was well worth it.

Sue brought in a picture of a Ft Tejon shooting competition with a competitor shooting a balloon with a black-powder pistol while riding by on a horse (try saying that in one breath). She caught it as the gun was firing, complete with smoke and powder traces. She had some questions related to selling the digital image, cropping, and such. Sue has her pictures on SmugMug at http://www.smugmug.com/.

Difficulties related to the Windows were brought up again. Some sources of help suggested were:

  • Antelope Valley Microcomputer Users Group (AVMUG) at http://www.avmug.av.org/. It appears that they meet the same place and time we do but on the second Tuesday of the month.
  • AV Adult School at http://www.avadult.org/. Their computer classes can be found by clicking on "Career Technical Preparation."
  • Regional Occupation Program (ROP) Center. In a quick search I couldn't find a home site but QHHS has a list of classes at http://www.qhhs.org/registration05/rop.htm.
  • Some of the city Parks and Recreation programs may offer useful classes.
  • There are some on-line classes that can be found through Google.
  • AV College

Bonnie showed off her new mono/tri-pod and offered the use of her studio with her new hot-light setup.

Jo showed me some nice pictures of still-life she had taken with her pocket Canon and asked about lighting issues.

Photoshop seems to always be a popular topic.

We also talked about panning, the photo safari at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, petroglyphs, competitions, and the fair. Terri recommended the Eclectic Academy at http://www.eclecticacademy.com/ which has some interesting classes. Another useful site is Photoshop Elements Users at http://www.photoshopelementsuser.com/ which has a learning center complete with Quicktime videos and online training courses that you can sign up for.

My thanks to the evening shift at Bianco's cafe for taking such good care of us. I understand that Yvonne Bianco makes her excellent clam chowder fresh from scratch each morning.

I also found out that they have a Wi-Fi connection available.


Glenn Olson
Coordinator and Moderator

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