Discusson Group Notes April 10, 2009
We had 5 members attend the discussion and enjoy the dinner at Denny's this Friday evening.
Terri was very excited as she showed us her new Canon D40 she received for her birthday as a present from Lee. While Lyle being a Nikon man himself, he still couldn't resist looking over the new Canon.
Bonnie still complained (the group said I had to print this) about my Canon D50 still throwing out the error with the card issue.
Lyle talked about his Nikon D3 being able to use 2 cards at the same time.
Hmm, do I detect a little competition amongst photographers. (grin)
John and Terri had another discussion about their phone cameras and the megapixels.
Lyle spoke to us about HDR.
We spoke briefly about flash and how to use in different settings. Lyle talked to us about lighting setups.
We missed Glenn as moderator so we decided to moderate ourselves. Please excuse the brief notes, Glenn does a much better job, I was busy eating and enjoying the conversation...sorry folks. Come join us!!! Bonnie