Discusson Group Notes August 21, 2009
This night we had five of the usual suspects plus two of their accomplices.
Someone (I hadn't gotten my pen warmed up yet) reminded us of Cartridge World which is located in the same mall as the Edwards Federal Credit Union and The Whole Wheatery on 10th St West. Being a little slow that evening I started thinking about bullets, reloading equipment, and gun powder. Then I remembered where I was. "Ink" cartridges. I haven't been to Cartridge World http://www.cartridgeworldusa.com/ yet but I've heard that they have reloaded ink and toner cartridges. I wonder if they have reloading equipment?
Bonnie had handouts for the "Web Photo School" http://www.webphotoschool.com/ which has free online classes for members ($9.99/mo to $79.99/yr). Free classes include "Digital Editing/Photoshop," "Lighting Basics," "Portrait Outdoor," and many, many more. They also have many pay-per-classes.
The fair took up quite a bit of the conversation. Bonnie asked about winners but no one knew for sure. Cheryl had helped out during the judging and remembered a few things but hadn't taken notes. Then Cheryl described the judging process as she saw it. We cogitated on who will be the chairperson(s) for next year but no one had any good guesses and no one was volunteering.
The Fair discussions included last minute changes to class & title, which seemed to be one of many annoyances. Everyone had their own ideas and opinions on what should be allowed and not, how much of the problems were honest confusion versus lack of planning, and such. I hadn't been at the front desk during the take-in so I didn't see any of it myself. But I do remember my confusion the first year, the many verbal explanations I received, what I learned going through the process, and how little has been written down for those who are new to entering the fair. The thought occurred to me that someone (probably me) should sit down and write a handbook which gathers all that knowledge and puts it into one place for people.
Cheryl told us of a skunk in her back yard. Jim blushed, but I think it was from the heat of the day. Cheryl thinks the skunk is hanging around because of nearby unoccupied houses where it can go and feel safe. I recommended that she take photos but she was concerned about getting sprayed. No pain, no gain.
Bonnie and Cheryl both said that they are seeing sick and dead birds around their houses. They live in Lancaster and, so far, I haven't seen any at our place outside of Rosamond. Sick birds might make easy photographic subjects but it's probably not worth getting close and risking contracting a disease. On the other hand, they could make good documentary photos.
Cheryl ordered a UV filter through Amazon.com but, when she opened the case, there was no filter. They called Amazon.com through a link on Amazon.com's web site, got a representative immediately, and got another one shipped right away.
Cheryl said that Helen Henry has a good video on "depth of field."
Jim wanted me to keep quiet about it but he's slipping over to the dark side (or is it coming out of the dark room) and going digital. He's getting a Canon EOS T1i, 15.1Mp, digital camera. We should consider holding a wake for his film camera. He already knows he's having troubles with Photoshop and is looking forward to the possible AV College class on Photoshop mentioned at the last club meeting.
Cheryl showed us some photos of her tabletop photography and wondered how to reduce the amount of light reflecting off her pieces. I described the light tents we've made and used.
Miik, Bill's accomplice, said that she had been a member in 2000 and reminisced about a competition entry she had taken in Monterey and some of the people she remembered.
If you can, please join us each Friday evening at Denny's at the corner of Ave K and 20th West. We begin about 6:30 PM and usually go to at least 8:30 PM. You can drop by at anytime and stay for as long as you like (you don't even have to buy anything). Denny's has graciously provided us a section to ourselves and the service is great.
All photography related subjects are fair game and there's never a planned agenda. You can bring in your questions, your stories, your equipment, your photos (paper or digital), or even just yourself to sit, listen, and/or talk. Here, there's time enough for a long discussion.
P.S. We never have an agenda but you can bet that there will be a lot of discussion on winning fair photos at the next meeting. I picked up a couple, Nan did real well and so did Bonnie. Deborah picked up an HM for one of her two digital entries. The big (pleasant) surprise was young Jayda who took Best of Division for Juniors as well as more awards than she can carry home in a bucket. Way to go, Jayda.
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Glenn Olson
Coordinator and Moderator