Debut of LPA Prime Desert DVD
Eighteen LPA members attended the debut showing of the Prime Desert Woodland Preserve DVD at the Interpretive Center at 7pm on February 1. This was the first half of a year long community service project by LPA members to document the flora, fauna, and activities at the preserve over a one year time span.
LPA member Chris Wilkins is a volunteer at the Preserve and saw the need for beautiful photos, so the LPA had a photo contest for images taken at the reserve from May to October. Then David Wilkins put together a DVD of these images along with some additional record shots of the flora. A sample of the DVD Prime Desert show was presented to the City of Lancaster at the City Council meeting on December 14, and graciously accepted. Currently, the images can be viewed at the Interpretive Center on a very small monitor.
The second half of the project will consist of images taken from October through June, with another photo contest in July. Those images will also be donated to the Preserve for display.
In December one of our long time LPA members, Dean Webb, passed away. Dean was an admired, avid, and passionate photographer, one of the early founders of our 40 plus year old organization, Member at Large, and supporter of Prime Desert Woodland Reserve. In honor of his memory, LPA members are contributing donations towards the purchase of a large flat screen monitor to donate to the City of Lancaster to display the images at the Prime Desert Woodland Preserve Interpretive Center.
Lancaster Photography Association
P.O. Box 498
Lancaster, Ca. 93584
Donations in excess of the amount needed will be donated to another one of Dean’s favorite organizations, the Red Rock Interpretive Association.
Photos by Sue Liberto