PSA Report for November, 2012

PSA News

Results of the Ocean State International Exhibition of Photography Club Entrants: Lancaster Photography Association entered the Ocean State International Exhibition this year as a club. Any members receiving acceptances will have those acceptances go towards a division star. There were about 2000 images submitted, with approximately 700 acceptances. Lancaster Photography Association was 4th out of 20 clubs. There were nine LPA members who entered the PSA Ocean Sate International Exhibition Club competition. Diana Edgel won a Chairman’s Medal for [mglink:20120413180325151 Moonbow], and Sue Craft won an Honor Award with [mglink:20120601083851918 Yosemite Valley View]. Other members entering and receiving acceptances were the following: Tina Crowe, Bill Liberto, Sue Liberto, Bonnie Matthews, Dale Ware, Chris Wilkins, and David Wilkins.

Bonnie Matthews has been doing well in other PSA International Exhibitions recently. Bonnie had the following acceptances: SCIPE (two), AC-Foto Germany (eight), and PSSNY (two). She now has thirty acceptances in CPID (and should be eligible for her first Division Star), three acceptances in the Electronic Division, and eight in the Nature Division.

The Year End Results for the PSA Photojournalism Open Year End Interclub competition has been announced and congratulations to Sue Liberto who won 3rd Place Overall for her image “[mglink:20120109141632354 Mounted Shooter]”.

PSA Web Site: The revised PSA Web Site will be on line January 1, 2013. This is when the new Membership Fees will take effect. Members can sign up or renew their memberships with the old rates until that time.

PSA Interclub:

Congratulations go to David Wilkins for receiving an Honorable Mention for [mglink:20121108130135468 King Penguins & Fur Seal Stand Off] in the first PSA Nature Interclub competitions. The other entries were the following: Bad Hair Day (Arliss Dawson), Ibis (Bruce Cable), Ruff & Tuff (Diana Edgel), Sandhill Crane Landing (Chris Wilkins), and Sea Otter with Crab (Helen Henry).

The PSA Projected Image Division entries were the following: Old Diner (Dale Ware), Passion for Pink (Tina Crowe), Reaching from Terra (Tom Van Langenhoven), Waffles for Breakfast (Lee Garner), Yosemite Falls Moonbow (Anita Kratofil), and [mglink:20120601083851918 Yosemite Valley View] (Sue Craft). No results have been reported.

Membership Dues: The PSA membership dues will increase January 1, 2013. Members can join PSA at the old rates until December 31, 2012. Memberships can also be renewed until that time.

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