Photojournalism Competition - January 18 at 6:00 p.m.

Entries due by: January 14 at 11:59 p.m. Enter here.

The January 18, 2022 LPA competition is for Photojournalism General. All members are encouraged to enter your favorite PJ images!

Our judge is going to be Kevin Karzin, the president of Santa Clarita Valley Photographers Association and a seasoned photojournalist.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 841 5729 3519
Passcode: 792305

Please make sure to read the rules regarding photojournalism entries. This is a reality-based competition, which means that few modifications are allowed. The guidelines include no manipulating the image other than cropping, straightening, dodging (lightening), and burning (darkening). You can do basic adjustments to the image (like straighten the horizon) so it looks like the image the photographer saw when they took the picture.

The Photojournalism definition can be found on the LPA website at


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