Canon 20D Workshop, Oct. 25, 2005
Presented by Lyle & Duane
This was the second workshop session talking about the 20D camera.
The first session was back in August and we received so many requests for a continuation that we decided to have another.
Lots of discussion on digital photography this session.
Duane Whitaker began the workshop with a basic description of the Canon 20D camera operation. He showed graphics of the camera and how each mode effected the final image.
Questions slowly began pouring in as Duane progressed and the workshop quickly developed into a question and answer session .
Lyle Trusty operated the computer and projector and occasionally popped in to clarify some points that were not mentioned. This was a reverse role for him since last workshop he was the speaker and Duane was the projectionist.
Overall, everyone enjoyed the session and came out with a little better understanding of how this complicated piece of equipment worked.
The best part about all this is the fact that the LPA never charges for any of our workshops. Members are always free and guests can come to check out the many benefits of becoming a members. We believe in members helping members and prove it by example.
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