S4C Report - October 19
The first S4C Competition was October 13th and LPA Interclub did very well.
In the A Level: Sharna Lee received an Award for her “Here’s Looking At You” and Wayne Staley received an Award for his “Red and White Dahlia.”
In the AA Level: William Sutton received an HM for his “The Visitor” and David Wilkins received an Award for his “King Penguins OnThe Beach.”
The second competition will open on Oct 20th and close on Nov 3rd. The judging will take place on Nov 10 in Riverside. If you would like to enter in the Individual and don’t know where to start….call me and I will help you. We are looking for good images to submit this competition year for both A and AA levels. Make sure you don’t plan on using the images for S4C Individual competition or haven’t done so in the past competitions. If you have used the images in PSA competitions, there are no problems.