Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report - Aug. 2016

S4C News

Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) Report

By Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C


It is July, and soon the main activity for the Southern California Council of Camera Clubs will begin. S4C is another photography outlet for PSA-member club’s photographers. S4C hosts a PSA-recognized international exhibition yearly so that clubs and their members can compete at no cost in seven monthly competitions.

Stuart Lynn, APSA, DFS4C, HonS4C, has been the competition chairman for many years.  Joanne Stolte, FPSA, MPSA, DFS4C, HonS4C, has been the S4C Council Rep for many years.  These members donate countless hours to S4C for any club that is a Photographic Society of America (PSA) member club.

Over the years, quite a few of our Lancaster Photography Association (LPA) members have been on the S4C Board of Directors. These LPA members have donated and will donate continue to donate countless hours to S4C. Many thanks go to the following:

  • Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C (current S4C board member and Nature Chair)
  • Sue Craft, FS4C
  • Lee Garner, AS4C
  • Terri Garner (current S4C board member and Treasurer)
  • Helen Henry, DFS4C
  • Bill Sutton, AS4C
  • David Wilkins, FS4C (current President)

Not only does S4C give LPA members the opportunity to enter competitions and earn photography awards, but it also gives LPA members the opportunity to judge the monthly competitions. LPA has had numerous members over the past judge one of the monthly competitions. Because of this opportunity, it has also helped educate our members so they can go on to judging other areas.

Clubs nominate one of their members to be a delegate to S4C. Lyle Trusty, FS4C, and Bonnie Matthews-Franke, AS4C, have held these positions.  At this time, Christine Wilkins, FS4C, is the S4C Chairman of the 17 clubs delegates that belong to the councils.

This past competition year, these members judged S4C competitions: Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C, Darren Cole, Christine Wilkins, AS4C, and David Wilkins, FS4C.

Last year members from LPA that competed in the council monthly competitions and won awards or honorable mentions, including interclub, in 2015-2016 were the following:

Shirl Airov-Bieling, Bruce Cable, Nan Carder, APSA, MPSA, DFS4C, Darren Cole, Sue Craft, FS4C, Diana Edgel, Dwight Franke, Helen Henry, DFS4C, Sharna Lee, Sue Liberto, Fran Marroquin, Bonnie Matthews-Franke, AS4C, Kathy Newman, Rock Myers, Holly Peskin, Marilyn Peake, Ramon Rosario, Maryann Ryan, Scott Shackelford, Bill Sutton, AS4C, Doug Wade, Dale Ware, AS4C, Christine Wilkins, AS4C, and David Wilkins, FS4C.


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